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SEMINARS - Programme

Marketing of Innovation & Effectual Entrepreneurship in Health Sciences

at seminar room of 'MRC House', 8 Parului Str, Craiova, Romania


2 days of knowledge transfer and iterative practice leading to the use of the ISMA 360° methodology to determine the viability of the participant's projects.

Day 1
0830 - 0845 Registration
0845 - 1045 Warm-up session on definitions related to innovation, effectual logic and systemic approach
1045 - 1100 Coffee break
1100 - 1300 Presentation of the ISMA 360° methodology and the 5 proofs of market value
1300 - 1400 Lunch break
1400 - 1500 Proofs 1 and 2: description of the invention and application domain
1500 - 1615 Proofs 3 and 4: usage and functional analysis
1615 - 1630 Coffee break
1630 - 1800 Proof 5: value network analysis and market positioning
Day 2
0845 - 1045 ISMA 360° application on real projects of the participants (analysis of 6 to 7 projects - group work)
1045 - 1100 Coffee break
1100 - 1300 SMA 360° application on real projects of the participants (analysis of 6 to 7 projects - group work)