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The Health-2-Market project has developed a sound methodology to facilitate the market exploitation of health research results. The Health-2-Market mechanism of training actions and advanced services are evidence base. It means that these services are built on a comprehensive market research and continuous feedback of end users:
  1. The learning approach of the Health-2-Market methodology introduces a combination of different training means: Case-based learning, e-learning courses for broader audience, two-day workshops on specific topics and advanced training courses (week-long highly intensive training 'Academies').

  2. The advance services are for those researchers that show an increased level readiness to proceed with their exploitation plans (e.g. launch of a start-up, etc.). These services includes hands-on support, counselling, coaching and advice both through face-2-face / personalised consulting services as well as through respective services offered on-line (e.g. Helpdesk)).