Take part in one of the seven academies focusing on the researchers own business ideas!
The weeklong academies provide premium quality customized training through practical case studies and success stories tailored to the participants' needs. Researchers work on their own ideas accompanied and guided by highly experienced practitioners (members of the
Health-2-Market network). As for all Health2Market training activities,
participation is free of charge.
Each academy addresses one of the three major relevant topics of innovation management, namely
- Entrepreneurship & Business Planning in health/life science,
- Intellectual Property, Ethics & the Utilization of Academic Research in health/life science,
- New Venture Creation & Marketing in health/life science.
Participation in the academies opens the door for receiving advanced services on a later stage. Academies are the entry point for taking individuals' health research results to the next level (that of commercialization, new business creation, etc).