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PROJECT DOCUMENTSResults of the Health-2-Market projects are available to download below:
Report on policy
The present document aims at giving an overview of the different lessons learnt throughout the project from the
first step, which was the training needs analysis, to the implementation of seminars, academies, advanced
services and e-learning modules, and to the final conference of the project.
In this deliverable, the Health-2-Market e-newsletters (6 issues in total) are presented. The e-newsletters
contained information and news about project activities and results, upcoming events and news from other relevant
projects/ initiatives as well as from the EC and were dispatched to a significant number of recipients
representing all Health-2-Market target audiences.
Report about academies
The present document, Report About Academies Delivery, contains the summary of the training academies
organized during the Health-2-Market project. It describes procedures and lists the academies held, underlines
outcomes, lessons learnt and makes recommendations for future activities.
Report about seminars
The present document, Report about Regional Training Seminars, contains the summary of the training seminars
organized during the Health-2-Market project. It describes procedures and lists the seminars conducted,
underlines outcomes, lessons learnt and makes recommendations for future activities.
Report on Helpdesk operation
This document describes helpdesk function in Health-2-Market project, including the concept and deployment.
The document covers the questions asked through helpdesk function as well as feedback provided to the
participants. The document ends with conclusions related to setting up the helpdesk function within the project.
Report on implementation of e-training
This document describes the overall implementation of the Health-2-Market e-training by
introducing the main steps, the results of the pilot period, the achievements of the deployments phase
as well as final user statistics. This report provides a detailed description of the sustainability plan and
the new tools that have been developed such as the Health-2.Market mobile application and the MOOC
on Entrepreneurship and Business Planning.
Curriculum for topic-specific seminars (pdf)
Curriculum for highly intensive academies (pdf)
Pool of Innovation Coaches (pdf)
Report on selection process with information on technologies mature enough for fostering (pdf)
The report discusses status, contents, application and selection procedures for the advanced services in the Health-2-Market CSA project. Implementation plan on deployment of regional and European training actions (pdf)
This document explores the deployment of regional (seminars) and European (academies) training actions by understanding the target group profile, training topics, training coaches, implementation plan and marketing & communication efforts needed to assure the best possible outcome of the project. Recommended Training Concept and Programme (pdf)
This document describes the Health-2-Market training concept and programme. In this regard, it integrates the inputs from three sources (partners, survey and Training Needs Analysis, Round tables). Finally, it briefly discusses some specific issues related to the training (e.g., general training topics, dates). Training Needs Analysis (pdf)
The present document aims at giving a clear view on:
Focus Group (Roundtables) Report (pdf)
The present deliverable concerns the reporting of the two Focus Groups (Roundtables) organised by the Health-2-Market project (Brussels, February 25th and 26th, 2013) to validate the findings of the Draft Training Needs Analysis report. Survey result realted to business/entrepreneurship training (pdf)
The consortium launched an online survey targeted at health researchers who have been involved in EU research projects. The objective of the survey was to identify user groups and analyze the needs of these groups with regard to business/entrepreneurship training. 637 respondents completed the survey in full and the analysis was based solely on these samples. The result of the survey analysis is available to download here. E-training curriculum concept (pdf)
This document describes the e-training curriculum concept of the Health-2-Market project. It focuses on the two different forms of the e-training (standalone versus supplementary), and it covers the issues of its objectives, its topics, its target groups, and its tools, as well as how they are connected to each other. Definition of e-training infrastructure (pdf)
This document describes the infrastructure plan of the Health-2-Market e-training that will provide standalone services as well as supplement the face-to-face trainings. It covers the description of the planned platform, provided services, teaching tools, monitoring and schedule of implementation. Project web-portal (pdf)
This document describes the concept, structure and functions of the Health-2-Market website. It consists of the
current status of the launched website structure, available information and services, website use monitoring data and activities as well as the future website development plans. Set of case studies (pdf)
This document describes the Health-2-Market case studies development process, including the concept, the types of case studies developed and their use. It also provides all the set of case studies which were deployed during the project. 19 case studies were developed, used in seminars and/or academies and made available on the project’s e-learning platform. Furthermore, 9 were transformed into interactive material for the e-learning platform. |