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SEMINARS - Programme

Marketing of Innovative Products in Health/Life Sciences

at Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens, Greece

The seminar will start with a brief lecture introducing the key concepts. This will be followed by a brief overview of the process that a firm must follow in order to understand the market, develop its marketing strategy, and finally implement it. Morning session of the seminar will end with the analysis of a real-life case of marketing a product/ service in the health sector. Afternoon session will consist of a workshop, in which seminar participants will be required to apply the learned concepts in THEIR SPECIFIC CASE, with the guidance of the trainer.

Thursday, April 2nd 2015
900 - 930 Opening and introduction
930 - 1030 Strategic Marketing Orientation
1030 - 1045 Coffee break
1045 - 1145 Analysis of a real case opportunity in the health sector (Genese) - Part I
1145 - 1200 Coffee break
1200 - 1300 Analysis of a real case opportunity in the health sector (Genese) - Part II
1300 - 1400 Light lunch
1400 - 1510 Workshop: Applying Strategic Marketing Orientation to YOUR case
1510 - 1530 Biomedical Research Funding Opportunities in Europe (by Dr. S. Kolyva- Health NCP, Hellenic Pasteur Institute )
1530 - 1550 Discussion and closing remarks