H2M seminars at a glance
16 seminars, 1 webinar
511 Participants
11 European cities
Stockholm (SE), Madrid (ES), Sophia- Antipolis (FR), Thessaloniki (GR), Berlin (DE), Budapest (HU), Nicosia (CY), Naples (IT), Athens (GR), Gothenburg (SE), New Castle (UK), Braga (PT), Craiova (RO), Lisbon (PT), Rome (IT)
8 training topics
- Marketing of innovation & effectual partnership
- Introduction to knowledge- based business
- Intellectual asset management and knowledge-based business strategy
- Intellectual property management and open Innovation in Health/Life sciences
- Cutting edge decision making tools for entrepreneurs
- Identifying and evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities
- Marketing of innovative products in health/life sciences
- The access to risk finance under the European funding programmes
8 co-organizers / hosts
- Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals (DE)
- Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CY)
- National Cancer Institute Fondazione G. Pascale (IT)
- Hellenic Pasteur Institute (GR)
- RTC North (UK)
- Creating Health- Research and Innovation funding, Institute of Health Sciences of the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (PT)
- Startup Braga (PT)
- University of Craiova, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Kinetotherapy and Sport Medicine Department (Kinetoterapy - MedicinaSportiva) (RO)
H2M academies at a glance
7 Academies
132 Participants
4 European cities
Sophia-Antipolis (FR), Gothenburg (SE), Madrid (ES), Rome (IT)
3 training topics
- Intellectual property, ethics and the utilization of academic research in health/life sciences
- New venture creation and marketing in health/life sciences
- Entrepreneurship and business planning in health/life sciences