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Annotated Template

ARIaT – Horizon 2020 Annotated Research and Innovation Actions Template

Innovation dimension in Horizon 2020 proposals: set of good practices to understand and write innovation related issues both in Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovation Actions (IA)

annotated template The annotated template aims to assist applicants to the Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovation Actions (IA) of Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for 2014-2020 to better understand the requirements of the templates and better write innovation-related issues in the H2020 proposals. It highlights and emphasise the innovation elements that an excellent project application should contain.

A successful project proposal needs to speak out convincingly to a broad readership encompassing experts from a wide range of fields. While the scientific/technical soundness of a proposal is central to its ultimate success, it is also essential that the challenges to be addressed, opportunities to be exploited, and results to be achieved are clear and understandable to all readers, specifically to Horizon 2020 evaluators. Moreover, the linkage between results to be achieved and their relevance for European policy orientations should be clear, as well as the economic opportunities they will provide for citizens. The ARIaT Template has been structured to guide project formulators in presenting information required especially by the criteria of Excellence (criterion 1) and Impact (criterion 2). The Appendices include an example of a business plan executive summary and an example of work packages addressing dissemination and exploitation of results, preparation of market authorisation and market access (related to health topic).

The document is edited by APRE (Italy), Horizon 2020 National Contact Point for Health – Societal Challenge 1, and co-authored by specialists from engage AG (Germany), inno TSD (France), IE Business School (Spain) and SKEMA Business School (France). It reflects the view of the authors, who are experts dealing with H2020 proposals, innovation, exploitation of R&D results, and generally with entrepreneurship and business development on day-to-day basis. Their recommendations are indicated in the document as "Expert recommendations" and also include feedback collected from evaluators of H2020 proposals and concrete examples.

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