Dilney Gonçalves' research investigates the psychological mechanisms underlying consumer opinions, decision-making, and well-being. His research addresses questions such as "how do consumers make inferences about the general population based on a single opinion?", "when do purchases bring happiness and when they do not?", "why do people overbuy?", "what are the effects of visual displays on the processing of abstract versus concrete messages?", and "how can charities create more persuasive messages?" He has presented his research in several international conferences, including the Association for Consumer Research, Association Française du Marketing, and the Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS).
At IE Business School, Dilney is currently teaching in the PhD and in the Master in International Management programs.
Quote: People make decisions all the time. One class of decision-making error comes from the way our minds work and it's called cognitive biases. I feel that teaching people how to improve their decision making is an important way to contribute to society and apply my research to important problems.
Aleksios Gotsopoulos, PhD
Assistant professor of Entrepreneurship SKK Graduate School of Business
Alex's research focuses on the emergence of new industries, and on how the challenges and opportunities that entrepreneurs face evolve as industries progress from infancy to maturity. He is particularly interested in how the dynamics of legitimacy, competition, contagion, and categorization affect entrepreneurs' decision making and their ventures' performance and survival. Among others, he has studied the early automobile industry in US, the stock brokerage industry in Greece, the global smartphone industry, and university spinoffs in UK.
Alex's research has appeared in the Academy of Management Journal and the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, has been featured in outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and Inc.com, and has been supported by the National Science Foundation and a number of North American and European foundations.
Quote: I am glad to be part of the H2M project because I want to help bridge entrepreneurship theory and practice, and help projects with high growth potential incubate.
Antonis Stamatogiannakis, PhD
Assistant professor of Marketing IE University
Antonios' research is primarily interested in uncovering the psychological processes associated with two fundamental types of quests: The quest for something better (i.e., attainment goals), versus the quest for maintaining something already acquired (i.e., maintenance goals). In a secondary stream of research, Antonis investigates how visual aesthetic preference for a product is affected by the interplay between product design properties, chronic consumer characteristics, and contextual influences. He has presented his work at numerous international conferences, including the Association for Consumer Research, Society for Consumer Psychology, and the European Marketing Association (EMAC) conferences. As an IE faculty, Antonis has received funding from the European Union for conducting both research and business training activities. At IE, Antonis is teaching Consumer Behavior & Market Research, and Marketing Principles at the Master's as well as at the PhD level.
Quote: I always have the uncertainty whether what I am researching is relevant for practice. H2M gives me a great opportunity to help other researchers in this regard: Make the jump from their research, to the business world.